Thursday, January 08, 2009

Treatment (yesterday and today) of Mr Ramalinga Raju - a glaring example of how assuming we are

I have always felt that we Indians are very assuming. If somebody is successful in creating of perception of being good the first few times then he is good for the rest of his life and vise-versa (If we get a perception of somebody being bad the first few times then he is bad for the rest of his life).


Till yesterday Mr Raju, for the Indian media and Indians in general, was a super here of India Inc. Because we bought into his image promotion. We bought into his false-hood (or public relations as it is called to give it legitimacy).


Something like the size of a Maytas acquisition needed to wake us all up and smell foul. Now we start the journey to the other side. Mr Raju the evil of corporate India. Yesterday, a news item in NDTV that said they could not find where Mr Raju was. There were news reporters at the Satyam headquarters, Mr. Raju’s residence all saying “Ohh….He is not here”, “He is not here too”. They just stopped short of vocally uttering the word “abscond”. But the word was wide written everywhere in the news item.


Till yesterday Mr. Raju was, actually, a liar. To us, He was a super hero of corporate India. Today Mr. Raju is, actually, less a liar than yesterday. To us, He is a super villain of corporate India. When will we start rational views and stop having extreme ones.  


I am no big fan of Mr Raju. In fact I do not know much about him. But my point is our (the Indian society) treatment of him brings out the flaw in our attitude.

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