Friday, August 07, 2009

Listen to the sound of your breath, then relax it

  1. Listen to your life with your eyes closed
  2. Listen to your words before you speak them
  3. Listen to what you want - more of - in life
  4. Listen to the sound of your breath, then relax it
  5. Listen to your intuition. It’s always trying to grab your attention
  6. Listen to what your body needs, right now. Put your thumbs in your ears, cover your eyes with your fingers and then listen
  7. Listen thankfully to the sounds of nature
  8. Listen for the wisdom in your problems
  9. Listen more, talk less
  10. Listen to your thoughts in slow motion. Are they bringing you closer to your dreams or taking you further away?
  11. Listen to your life without the sound of technology and machines (no phone, TV, ipod etc)
  12. Listen to silence
  13. Listen to your favourite music
  14. Listen, really listen to your children, family and friends
  15. Listen to how many sounds are actually happening around you right now
  16. Listen to the calming sounds of the ocean by cupping your hands over your ears and turning your awareness inwards
  17. Listen to the sound of your favourite food cooking
  18. Listen to your heart - What is it saying?
  19. Listen to the sound of your feet when walking
  20. Listen to the appreciation of your body after eating something healthy


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