Friday, June 11, 2010

JSF 2.0 - Automatic resource bundle resolution

User message localization is achived by placing messages in resource bundles ( for example).

In JSF 1.2, these resource bundles had to be configured in faces-config as follows:

            <base-name>test.Messages</base-name> 1 References the file anywhere in the classpath
            <var>msgs</var> 2 Messages in will be referenced in xhtml using "msgs" prefix e.g. #{msgs.userName}

Messages in could then be accessed as follows in xhtml pages


In JSF 2.0, the faces-config entry has been made optional. To avoid making the faces-config entry,
1. Rename the properties file to match the xhtml file name. For example, if the xhtml file is named userCreate.xhtml, name the properties file as
2. Place the .xhtml and .properties files in the same directory. In our example, place userCreate.xhtml and in the same directory
3. Change the references in .xhtml to #{cc.resourceBundleMap.<symbol_in_properties_file> where <symbol_in_properties_file> is any symbol in the properties file. For example, if the has a line as "userNameLabel=User Name" then reference this symbol as follows


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