Tuesday, September 02, 2014


"The Buddha's main thesis was that in a world where everything is constantly changing, we suffer because we cling to things that won't last. A central theme of the Buddha's "dharma" (which roughly translates to "teaching") revolved around the very word that had been wafting through my consciousness when I used to lie on my office couch, pondering the unpredictability of television news: "impermanence." The Buddha embraced an often overlooked truism: nothing lasts - including us. We and everyone we live will die. Fame fizzles, beauty fades, continents shift. Pharaohs are swallowed by emperors, who fall to sultans, kings, kaisers and presidents - and it all plays out against the backdrop of an infinite universe in which our bodies are made up of atoms from the very first exploring stars. We may know this intellectually, but on as emotional level we seem to be hardwired for denial."

- 10% Happier by Dan Harris

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