Saturday, July 20, 2013


"Discipline, in essence, is consistency of action - consistency with values, consistency with long-term goals, consistency with performance standards, consistency of method, consistency over time. .. True discipline requires the independence of mind to reject pressures to confirm in ways incompatible with values, performance standards, and long term aspirations, having the inner will to do whatever it takes to create a great outcome, no matter how difficult."

Great By Choice
- Jim Collins

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Interpreting word through one's own opinion

"I can often figure out someone in a course or conference heard what I said, interpreted through their own opinion and came up with something I never meant. Words are a dangerous thing"

- Mike Cohn

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Our personhood is carved by the flow of our habits.

"The flow of water carves rock, a little bit at a time. And our personhood is carved, too, by the flow of our habits."

- Jonathan Safron