Monday, September 13, 2010

Java Generics - Part 4



Consider the a method that prints all the elements of a collection (pre 1.5 code):


private static void printCollection(Collection objectCollection)


      for (Object element: objectCollection)


            System.out.println( element );




The above code when invoked as follows:



printCollection( Arrays.asList( new String[] {"test", "another test"} ) );



gives the following output:




another test



Lets write the same method using generics:


private static void printCollection(Collection<Object> objectCollection)


      for (Object element: objectCollection)


            System.out.println( element );




But now the same invocation ( printCollection( Arrays.asList( new String[] {"test", "another test"} ) ); ) will lead to a compile time error! : printCollection2(java.util.Collection<java.lang.Object>) in PrintCollection cannot be applied to (java.util.List<java.lang.String>)

                 printCollection2( Arrays.asList( new String[] { "test", "another test" }) );


1 error


This is because when the String[] is converted to a List, it returns a List<String>. And a List<String> is not a List<Object> (although String is a Object. Why? Read this)


To resolve this issue, we could use…wildcards as follows:


private static void printCollection2(Collection<?> objectCollection)


      for (Object element: objectCollection) // compiler error will result for objectCollection.add(anything). Because Collection<?> specifies an unknown element type<terminology>. And the compiler has no way to check the type of “anything” against the unknown type. Null is exception.


            System.out.println( element );





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