Tuesday, May 26, 2020

JAXB Examples in official "The Java EE 5 Tutorial"

I was trying to brush up on JAXB for a work-related project from the official "The Java EE 5 Tutorial". In the past, working with the provided examples has been useful. It helps me internalize better. Finding these examples has become difficult recently with most routes ending up in dead ends.
Here are the steps to quickly find these examples (if you don't want to chase the rabbit hole, download my cached version here for gz and here for zip):

  1. On the left sidebar, search for "Using the Tutorial Examples" link and click it.
  2. Click on "To Obtain the Tutorial Bundle".
  3. Click on "javaeetutorial.java.net".
  4. Search for "tutorial" and click on "javaeetutorial".
  5. Search for "Download" on the right sidebar.
  6. The links to the download are seen. Enjoy!!!

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