Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Spontaneous right action

“In every moment of our existence, we are in that field of all possibilities where we have access to an infinity of choices. Some of these choices are made consciously, while others are made unconsciously.” ”…most of us – even though we are infinite choice-makers – have becomes bundles of conditioned reflexes that are constantly being triggered by people and circumstances into predictable outcomes of behavior.” “If you step back for a moment and witness the choices you are making as you make those choices, then in just this act of witnessing, you take the whole process from the unconscious realm into the conscious realm. This procedure of conscious choice-making and witnessing is very empowering.”


2 questions to ask before making a choice

1.       “What are the consequences of this choice that I’m making?”

2.       “Will this choice that I’m making now being happiness to me and to those around me?”


“There is only one choice, out of the infinity of choices available in every second, that will create happiness for you as well as for those around you. And when you make that one choice, it will result in a form of behavior that is called spontaneous right action.”


-          The Seven Laws of Spiritual Success by Deepak Chopra

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