Friday, September 05, 2014

Every moment ... an opportunity for a do-over

"(after meditating for a while)...Pretty quickly, my efforts began to bear fruit "off the cushion,"...I started to be able to use the breath to jolt myself back to the present moment - in airport security lines, waiting for elevators, you name it. I found it to be a surprisingly satisfying exercise. Life became a little bit like walking into a familiar room where all the furniture had been rearranged. And I was much better at forgiving myself out in the real world than while actually meditating. Every moment was an opportunity for a do-over. A million mulligans (A Mulligan, in a game, happens when a player gets a second chance to perform a certain move or action; usually due to lack of skill or bitter luck. A "Do-Over")."

- 10% Happier by Dan Harris

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