Saturday, September 06, 2014

Life's in-between moments

"Now (after meditating for a while) I started to see life's in-between moments - sitting at a red light, waiting for a my crew to get set up for an interview - as a chance to focus on my breath, or just take in my surroundings. As soon as I began playing this game, I really noticed how much sleepwalking I did, how powerfully my mind propelled me forward or backward. Mostly, I saw the world through a scrim (a piece of gauze cloth that appears opaque until lit from behind, used as a screen or backdrop) of skittering (move lightly and quickly or hurriedly) thoughts, which created a kind of buffer between me and reality. As one Buddhist author put it, the "craving to be otherwise, to be elsewhere" permeated my whole life."

- 10% Happier by Dan Harris

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